Untitled 1

05733 9908-0

Accident shafts for the protection of sewer systems

Emergency shafts are indispensable components wherever there is a potential risk of pollutants being discharged. In the event of an emergency, the drain to the sewer system is immediately closed by a gate valve. As a result, the water contaminated with pollutants is safely retained and the sewer system remains protected. This enables controlled disposal, which not only protects the environment, but also ensures that the sewer system continues to operate smoothly.

Areas of application for accident shafts include industrial halls, logistics centers, unloading stations, ....

We customize the technically optimal solution for a fast response time to your individual requirements.

Havarieschaechte fuer den Schutz von Kanalsystemen - Havarieschächte
See also  Effiziente Druckentwässerung